- 退耕还林 returning land for farming to forestry
- Nc-stage Nc-stage
- 林檎 Chinese pear-leaved crabapple
- 循环对比试验Stage 6成果报告 Report on the Round Robin Test Stage 6 Results
- 林黛玉 lin blackjade
- STAGE文本、字符串函数讨论 Discussion on Text Character String Function of STAGE
- 丰年(an) a year of abundance
- 考林 Courlene
- 基于STAGE的单舰防空反导仿真实现 Implement on Simulation of Air-defense and Anti-missile on Naval Vessel base on STAGE
- 美国西班牙语an? American Spanish an?
- 氨苄西林 ampicillin
- 毁林 disforestation
- 基于STAGE的电子对抗环境下地空导弹武器系统仿真软件研制 The Development of Simulation Software for Surface to Air Missile Weapon System under ECM Circumstance Based on STAGE
- 人工林 planted forest
- 接下来,循环对比实验研讨会主席内海先生报告了“Stage 5”的成果。 This was followed by the Round Robin Test "Stage 5" Results Report by Mr. Utsumi, the chairman.
- 狮子林 Lion Grove
- 氨基比林 aminopyrine
- 灌木林 shrubbery
- 菲林胶卷 film roll
- 林分 standing forest